Proven, Trusted and Built for You

Our Process

Proven, Trusted, and Built for You

In a perfect world, everyone accepts personal responsibility for the team’s success. But the world isn’t perfect, and getting the desired results from your team requires engaging them in the right way at the right time.

Our field-tested and performance-proven programs are built to your requirements and objectives, not to our convenience. Each is collaboratively designed to capture participant imagination, unleash their potential and create a platform for sustainable development.


From a half-day Team Identification workshop to a multi-year leadership development plan, we work with you. Side-by-side, you and your facilitator develop a customized solution for long-term success.

Simple, clear and effective steps

  • Your program manager interviews your key contact to design your customized program.
  • Team Assessment is offered to measure your current team competencies, to determine program needs, and provide a benchmark to measure progress towards your objectives.
  • Together with your facilitator, you’ll develop the agenda and select the exercises and interactive challenges designed to its specific learning objectives.
  • We take an active role in helping you choose your venue and then with you and your conference coordinator to determine room size and set up, outdoor activity space and blend in any special themes for your meeting or retreat.
  • We’ll execute the program flawlessly, in accord with your agenda, but remaining nimble and flexible to adjust as is needed or advantageous.
  • Post program, we create and send you a follow up report that includes facilitator observations, discussion notes, photos and a program evaluation. This report often serves as a roadmap to sustain results and high-performance in the workplace.

Tangible results and the tools to sustain them

We strive to build client relationships characterized by lasting, sustainable results, and view the conclusion of a training event not as the end but the beginning. Count on the tools needed to build upon success and what you’ve learned, all tied into your existing initiatives or reflections of new ones discovered and created.

Wake up.

Team Build.


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